Reach Registration

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Help with the REACH registration process

One of our main goals is to help EU companies and non-EU companies to comply with the European Union REACH Regulation.  

The registration work process itself consists of gathering the correct and needed information according to the REACH Regulation as well as working within various platforms, databases and IT-systems, like:

  • work in the REACH-IT system, where all pre-registrations and registrations must be done
  • work within SIEFS (Substance Information Exchange Forums),  work within Consortiums
  • work within Iuclid 5 (International Uniform Chemical Information Database) where the registration dossiers must be prepared and integrated with all the necessary technical data in line with the regulation demands

All these activities demand a good deal of training and studying of the REACH legislation and of all supporting documents that are continuously published by the ECHA including all technical manuals for the database and IT systems.

Many companies may not have the will or resources to do this by themselves. This is where companies can benefit from the outsourcing services that SpetsInterProject provides. We are well-informed about the latest REACH updates and successfully assist many customers today and hope to assist many more to come in complying with the REACH regulation.

Our knowledge is our tool to help our clients to achieve compliance with the REACH Regulation and also keep their expenses as low as possible.


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